We went to the Fresno Chaffee Zoo yesterday with some friends, it was the first time for Littlest, and I hadn’t gone in three or so years. We loved seeing the newly remodeled exhibits, and listening to what their plans are for expansion and renovation in the next few years. Oldest and Quietest were ecstatic to be there again, and our goal in going was to give *them* something.
As I walked around with LIttlest, and saw him interacting as best he could from his special needs stroller, I was struck again by how different life is for us now. I have to actively think of ways to enable Littlest to experience things that most take for granted. Things like sunshine and air quality are “big” things for him. It was a very hard day, all told, for me to see him struggle with things that I seem to forget are struggles because he does so well at home. Just an eye-opening day, with me realizing (again) that I need so to focus on what he *can* do and not on the things he *can’t* do, and accepting those places which aren’t as disabled-friendly as I would like for them to be.
All in all, I think everyone enjoyed it. 🙂

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