2020, 2021. . . what year is it again?

Christmas 2020 So, it’s October. 2021. The last few years have been a bit of a drought for my blog, I have a plethora of blog post drafts in my head, my phone’s notes app, and my journal, I’ve just never sat down and sifted through the difficult...

2019 in Review

2019 by the Numbers 7 hospital stays 8 brain surgeries 35 days inpatient 14 MRIs 8 Xrays 48 clinic visits at the hospital 14 visits to doctors outside the hospital 16 speech therapy visits 4 physical therapy visits 13 rounds of antibiotics 1 new hospital bed 2 new...
Diet and Growth

Diet and Growth

One of the biggest hurdles Littlest has faced in life has been eating. Anything mouth based, really, is a struggle. He didn’t start speaking until he was five years old, he hasn’t been able to swallow anything since he was breastfed, and he has a pretty...

Hello, Crazy Life

So my last post was about waiting, and then I had a bunch of blog posts started but nothing written well enough to publish for over a year. Welcome to waiting, V style! We have had a full and BUSY Summer/Fall/Winter of 2017-Spring/Summer of 2018. Oldest and Quietest...

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