I have a confession to make. Actually, I have a couple confessions. One is that I love food. Two is that I usually misappropriate adjectives. This misappropriation of adjectives usually occurs when I’m describing food. Like calling the new recipe I made up last night “divine.” It’s divine in the informal context (unusually good, or in this case, yummy), and not in the formal context (relating to God or things devoted to Him).
In any instance, no matter which adjective I use, last night’s dinner was fabulous. Yummy. Scrumptious. Maintained its eliteness. (That last one is for my dad, who usually asks us if we’re “maintaining eliteness.” Maybe I inherited the use of adjectives from him?)
If you want to make this yumminess, I must warn you, it’s easy. Foolishly easy, in fact. So easy your five year old could make it, if you entrusted them with sharp knives, which is very much something I do NOT recommend.
Chicken I Can’t Come Up with a Name For
- Chicken
- Chicken broth
- Salt and Pepper
- Cinnamon
- Oregano
- Chopped Tomatoes
- Celery
- Carrots
- Garlic (I used granulated garlic from Costco, not quite powder, not minced)
- Fresh Parsley, chopped
Sear the chicken in some olive oil, salt and pepper liberally. Pour some chicken stock over it until it’s almost covered, turn the heat down to medium-low. If using dried oregano, crush about 1T in your hand over the chicken. Sprinkle liberally with cinnamon. Let braise until chicken is nearly done.
Pour a can of chopped tomatoes or 2-3 fresh chopped tomatoes over the chicken. (I use about 1 can per four servings of chicken). Add the chopped carrots and celery (I used about 1/2 a cup each for four servings of chicken, but totally eyeballed it so use what looks good to you). Sprinkle liberally with garlic and as much parsley as you desire. Let simmer until chicken is so tender it’s falling apart when you nudge it with your rubber spatula.
Serve over polenta. (I like polenta because it stands up to the savory oomph of the chicken, I think a less-present starch would sort of wither away from shyness.)