But First, some Backstory. 

My life was the Classic Story for so long. Before it became a Story of Living.  Girl grows up in a happy home, shades of Little House in the Big Woods and Little Women abound, from cutting and stacking firewood to raising livestock, to having four sisters who put...

Welcome to My New Home on the Internet

I have been debating for a while about changing my domain name; I know I need the outlet that writing provides, but I was too overwhelmed with the multiple avenues I had. So I am simplifying. Littlest’s story will be interwoven here. My goal is to protect his...

Highs and Lows

September has traditionally been one of my favorite months. I met J in September. We got engaged a few Septembers later. Our Oldest was born in September. We found out we were expecting Littlest in September. My favorite season of year (Autumn) starts in September,...

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