by Veronica | Jan 9, 2015 | Export, Health, Living, Quietness, Raising Children
As we start this new year, I find myself looking back at the last four years since we got Littlest’s diagnosis. I am amazed at how much our family has grown and changed since then. All of us have been taking more joy in the little things, not worrying so much...
by Veronica | Sep 24, 2014 | Export, Living, LivingOpenHanded, Medical, Quietness
September has traditionally been one of my favorite months. I met J in September. We got engaged a few Septembers later. Our Oldest was born in September. We found out we were expecting Littlest in September. My favorite season of year (Autumn) starts in September,...
by Veronica | Sep 17, 2014 | Export, Living
Ten years ago {yesterday} J asked me to marry him. Actually, he asked me to marry him in April way back in 2004, but Sept. 17 was the 10th anniversary of him giving me the smallest, most amazing gift anyone has ever given me—a diamond ring that said I was his {and he...