Diet and Growth

Diet and Growth

One of the biggest hurdles Littlest has faced in life has been eating. Anything mouth based, really, is a struggle. He didn’t start speaking until he was five years old, he hasn’t been able to swallow anything since he was breastfed, and he has a pretty...
Remembering Memories

Remembering Memories

Have you ever had something happen, and in the moment you didn’t realize exactly how big the thing was? That was me five years ago today. Littlest was struggling with Failure to Thrive (ftt) post-decompression surgery. He had a regular weight check at his...
Hope Inextinguishable

Hope Inextinguishable

Six years ago on Dec. 22, 2010 we got the news that Littlest had a spinal defect known as Spina Bifida (I was 18 weeks along in his pregnancy). We were given SO MUCH HOPE at our perinatologist’s office: that he would walk, that he would have “simple”...

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